尘封往事Past Life(2016)

6.0 还行

分类:剧情  地区:以色列   年份:2016 

主演:内莉· 塔加尔 乔伊·列赫尔 多隆·塔夫瑞 叶夫根尼娅·冬妮娜 汤姆·阿芙尼 拉斐尔·斯塔霍维亚克 穆利·舒尔曼 

导演:阿维·耐舍 / 阿维·耐舍 Avi Nesher

阿维·耐舍 Avi Nesher

2016-12-01(以色列)英语 , 德语 , 波兰语 , 西伯尔



米诺视频为您提供2016年由内莉· 塔加尔,乔伊·列赫尔,多隆·塔夫瑞,叶夫根尼娅·冬妮娜,汤姆·阿芙尼,拉斐尔·斯塔霍维亚克,穆利·舒尔曼主演,阿维·耐舍导演的《尘封往事》/原名《Past Life》/又名《尘封的人生(台)》剧情 电影在线观看完整版,《尘封往事》百度云网盘资源以及《尘封往事》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《尘封往事》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The year is 1977, and no female has ever been a renowned classical music composer. Sephi Milch, a very determined and talented young woman, aspires to a career as a classical composer, but she knows the odds are against her. In spite of this, she is dead set on changing the course of history and succeeding in the male-dominated classical music world. Her struggle with the burden of history is not only limited to her artistic life - as the daughter of troubled Holocaust survivors, she also has to deal with a sudden revelation from the past that threatens to tear her family apart. Nana Milch - Sephi's older sister and bitter rival, a scandal sheet journalist and an aspiring playwright - considers this startling revelation an opportunity to free herself from the stranglehold of her parents' past. Sephi is weary of her sister's tendency to look for trouble, but in this case she has no choice but to join Nana's quest for the truth. 1977 is the year Egyptian president Sadat decided to break...





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