野性的呼唤The Call of the Wild(2020)

6.0 还行

分类:剧情 冒险  地区:加拿大   年份:2020 

主演:哈里森·福特 丹·史蒂文斯 凯伦·吉兰 布莱德利·惠特福德 珍·路易莎·凯利 泰瑞·诺塔里 卡卡琪 奥玛·希 科林·伍德尔 韦斯·布朗 安东尼·莫利纳利 布拉德·格林奎斯特 亚当·弗格斯 阿莱克斯·索洛维茨 卡尔·马金恩 希瑟·麦克普什 哈尔·戴恩 G·拉里·巴特勒 桑蒂尔·亚历克西斯·瓦奎兹 特洛伊·迪林格 

导演:克里斯·桑德斯 / 迈克尔·格林 Michael Green/杰克·伦敦 Jack London

迈克尔·格林 Michael Green/杰克·伦敦 Jack London

2020(中国大陆) / 2020-02-21(美国)英语 , 法语



米诺视频为您提供2020年由哈里森·福特,丹·史蒂文斯,凯伦·吉兰,布莱德利·惠特福德,珍·路易莎·凯利,泰瑞·诺塔里,卡卡琪,奥玛·希,科林·伍德尔,韦斯·布朗,安东尼·莫利纳利,布拉德·格林奎斯特,亚当·弗格斯,阿莱克斯·索洛维茨,卡尔·马金恩,希瑟·麦克普什,哈尔·戴恩,G·拉里·巴特勒,桑蒂尔·亚历克西斯·瓦奎兹,特洛伊·迪林格主演,克里斯·桑德斯导演的《野性的呼唤》/原名《The Call of the Wild》/又名《极地守护犬(港/台) / 绝境长征(港) / 荒野的呼唤》剧情 冒险 电影在线观看完整版,《野性的呼唤》百度云网盘资源以及《野性的呼唤》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《野性的呼唤》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The Call of the Wild is a vibrant story of Buck, a big and kindhearted dog, a crossbreed between a St. Bernard and a Scotch Collie, whose carefree life of leisure was suddenly upset when he was stolen from his home in Santa Clara County, California and deported up north, to be sold in Skagway, Alaska, and taken further north, to Dawson City, Yukon, during the late 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when strong sled dogs were in high demand. As a newcomer to the dog team delivery service - and not before long their front-runner - Buck, a dog like no other, who had been spoiled, and who had suffered, but he could not be broken, is having the time of his life. Forced to fight to survive, eventually taken by his last owner, John Thornton, to proximity of the Arctic Circle, somewhere between Yukon and Alaska, he progressively depends on his primal instincts, sheds the comforts of civilization and responds to "the call of the wild", as master of his own.





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