
6.0 还行

分类:剧情 历史 战争 灾难  地区:中国大陆  年份:2012 

主演:张国立 张默 徐帆 李雪健 陈道明 艾德里安·布洛迪 蒂姆·罗宾斯 冯远征 张涵予 王子文 段奕宏 范伟 柯蓝 张国强 林永健 乔振宇 李倩 赵毅 

导演:冯小刚 / 刘震云 Zhenyun Liu

刘震云 Zhenyun Liu

2012-11-29(中国大陆) / 2012-11-11(罗马电影节)河南方言 , 英语 , 日语 , 汉语普通话



米诺视频为您提供2012年由张国立,张默,徐帆,李雪健,陈道明,艾德里安·布洛迪,蒂姆·罗宾斯,冯远征,张涵予,王子文,段奕宏,范伟,柯蓝,张国强,林永健,乔振宇,李倩,赵毅主演,冯小刚导演的《一九四二》/又名《温故1942 / 1942 / 温故一九四二 / Back to 1942》剧情 历史 战争 灾难 电影在线观看完整版,《一九四二》百度云网盘资源以及《一九四二》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《一九四二》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:A famine with multiple contributing factors and devastating effects during the Second Sino-Japanese war is chronicled from the official perspective of reporters, generals, politicians and real families whose lives were forever altered by drastic measures they were forced to take in order to survive. Alternately ignoring the dire nature of the famine and its subsequent exodus of millions of people from the Hunen province, and minimizing its devastation to the outside world, the Chinese Nationalist government of the time is one which seems to be over burdened by ongoing war efforts and corruption in the distribution of relief supplies. Policy and private life are worlds apart in stopping the devastation shown through the portrayals of those who lived to tell the tale and their accounts of those who were not so lucky, of whom there were many (3 million.) This is a true story based upon Liu Zhenyun's novel "Remembering 1942," Zhenyun himself is the descendant of a survivor of the 1942 famine and his family story is poignantly portrayed--showing heroism, self sacrifice, terrible misfortune and ultimate survival of the lucky few.




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