
6.0 还行

分类:科幻 动画  地区:日本  年份:2013 

主演:小栗旬 三浦春马 苍井优 古田新太 福田彩乃 森川智之 坂本真绫 泽城美雪 大塚周夫 有本钦隆 土师孝也 岛田敏 中博史 石住昭彦 麦人 楠大典 曾世海司 真殿光昭 上田耀司 滨田贤二 乃村健次 川田绅司 大畑伸太郎 四宫豪 安元洋贵 最上嗣生 金本凉辅 中村千绘 奈良彻 大林洋平 山本和臣 山崎健太郎 荒井聪太 竹内荣治 小林清志 小川辉晃 

导演:荒牧伸志 / 松本零士 Leiji Matsumoto/福井晴敏/竹内清人

松本零士 Leiji Matsumoto/福井晴敏/竹内清人




米诺视频为您提供2013年由小栗旬,三浦春马,苍井优,古田新太,福田彩乃,森川智之,坂本真绫,泽城美雪,大塚周夫,有本钦隆,土师孝也,岛田敏,中博史,石住昭彦,麦人,楠大典,曾世海司,真殿光昭,上田耀司,滨田贤二,乃村健次,川田绅司,大畑伸太郎,四宫豪,安元洋贵,最上嗣生,金本凉辅,中村千绘,奈良彻,大林洋平,山本和臣,山崎健太郎,荒井聪太,竹内荣治,小林清志,小川辉晃主演,荒牧伸志导演的《船长哈洛克》/原名《キャプテンハーロック》/又名《宇宙海盗夏罗古(港) / 宇宙海贼哈洛克剧场版 / Space Pirate Captain Harlock》科幻 动画 电影在线观看完整版,《船长哈洛克》百度云网盘资源以及《船长哈洛克》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《船长哈洛克》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:2977: For many years a mighty battle has been raging across the galaxies as 500 billion humans, whose forebears were exiled from Earth, plan to return to what is still called home. Forced to flee a ravaged Earth, humans have now depleted the corners of the galaxy to which they fled. Earth has now become the most valued and precious resource of all, controlled by the corrupt Gaia Coalition which governs the human race across the different galaxies. Having been exiled and vilified during the battle of the Homecoming War, Captain Harlock and his trusted crew of the Arcadia battle cruiser are the only hope mankind has of discovering the secrets that the Gaia have kept hidden. The Coalition has demanded Harlock's death and the Gaia Fleet's new leader, Ezra, calls on his younger brother, Logan, to infiltrate the Arcadia and then assassinate Harlock, thus forever eradicating the one man standing between the Coalition and their complete control of the Universe. Logan must make a very personal sacrifice and discover that things are not always as they seem. All the while Captain Harlock and his crew will continue his mission, seeking revenge against the Coalition and establishing the return to Earth.




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