

米诺视频为您提供2008年由米莎·巴顿,里斯·汤普森,布鲁斯·威利斯,迈克尔·拉帕波特,凯瑟琳·莫里斯,梅罗妮·迪亚兹,乔什·帕斯,卢克·葛莱姆斯,Patrick Taylor,亚伦·希梅尔斯坦,约瑟夫·佩里诺,约翰·马加罗,罗宾·泰勒,文森特·皮亚扎,佐伊·克罗维兹,扎克瑞·布斯,亚当·佩里,坦娅·费舍尔,乔希·卡拉斯,扎齐·罗伊瑞格,艾米丽·梅德,Gabrielle Brennan,杰克·威利,马克·约翰·杰弗瑞,迈克尔·泽根,奎恩·谢法德,祖儿·魏泽鲍姆,Effrem J. Adams,Angelina Aucello,Alana Cadiz,Gary Cherkassky,Ryan Curtis,穆罕默德·迪翁,卡西迪·加德,Robert Malitsky,Enrique Sebastian Rivas,Steven Rubinchik,Ben Skinner主演,Brett Simon导演的《高中学生会长暗杀事件》/原名《Assassination of a High School President》/又名《刺杀高中校长 / 高中校长暗杀事件 / 暗杀我的高中校长 / The Sophomore》喜剧 悬疑 犯罪 电影在线观看完整版,《高中学生会长暗杀事件》百度云网盘资源以及《高中学生会长暗杀事件》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《高中学生会长暗杀事件》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

芬克(瑞斯·丹尼尔·汤普森 Reece Daniel Thompson 饰)想加入校报成就自己的记者梦,但是同学都在拿他高二时的糗事开涮,还好校报编辑克拉拉给了

Plot Summary:High School. Four of the most important years of your life. But it isn't always dances and keg parties and sucking face in your parents' mini-van. Sometimes it's ugly and hard and complicated. As complicated as a conspiracy to overthrow the president. There's something rotten at St. Donovan's High and sophomore newspaper reporter Bobby Funke is on it like pink rubber bands on your little sister's braces. When senior hottie Francesca Facchini solicits Funke's help tracking down a set of stolen SATs, Funke uncovers a story dirtier than the lunch lady's mustache. After he fingers the school president (figuratively) for the crime, Funke becomes one of the most popular kids at St. Donovan's High. No longer known simply as the freshman who was once tied to a giant snowman penis, Funke wins the respect of everyone from the Desert-Storm-hero-turned-educator Principal Kirkpatrick to the kid that farts on him in Spanish class. When Francesca takes Funke to homecoming, even the in-school suspension delinquents turn nice and offer guidance on how to keep his boner in check during slow dances. But high school's not always what it seems. As Funke's popularity grows so do his suspicions. Did the president really steal the SATs? Or is Funke just a pawn in a conspiracy as complicated as adolescence itself? Determined to find the truth, Funke digs deeper and unearths the sordid underbelly of St. Donovan's. Student council members, college bookies, public school brats, everyone seems to play a part. Armed only with a learner's permit and the spirit of Woodward and Bernstein, Funke must crack the case before it cracks him.



日期 资源名称
2021-09-02 Assassination.of.a.High.School.President.2008.1080
2019-05-12 Assassination.of.a.High.School.President.2008.1080
2019-05-12 Assassination.of.a.High.School.President.2008.1080
2019-05-11 Assassination of a High School President (2008) 10
2019-05-10 Assassination Of A High School President 2008 1080
2019-05-10 Assassination.of.a.High.School.President.2008.1080
2019-05-10 Assassination.of.a.High.School.President.2008.1080
日期 资源名称
2019-05-10 Assassination.of.a.High.School.President.2008.1080
日期 资源名称
2019-05-10 Assassination Of A High School President 2008 DVDR
日期 资源名称
2020-08-18 【720p高清中文字幕】高中学生会长暗杀事件 assassination of a high sch
2019-07-04 Assassination.of.a.High.School.President.2008.BRRi
2019-05-12 Assassination.of.a.High.School.President.2008.BRRi
2019-05-12 Assassination.of.a.High.School.President.2008.BRRi
2019-05-12 THE.HIGH.SCHOOL.CONSPIRACY.2008.DVDrip.Swesub-Mr_K
2019-05-12 Assassination.of.a.High.School.President.2008.SWES
2019-05-12 Assassination of a High School President (2008)nl.
2019-05-12 Assassination of a High School President (2008)Ret
2019-05-12 Assassination Of A High School President[2008]Eng.
2019-05-11 高中校长阴谋事件.[中英双字.1024分辨率]
2019-05-11 高中校长阴谋事件
2019-05-11 Assassination Of A High School President 2008 BRRi
2019-05-11 Assassination Of A High School President 2008 DVDR
2019-05-11 Assassination Of A High School President 2008 BRRi
2019-05-11 Assassination Of A High School President 2008 BRRi
2019-05-11 Assassination Of A High School President 2008 BRri
2019-05-11 Assassination Of A High School President LiMiTED N
2019-05-11 Assassination of a High School President (2008) DV
2019-05-11 Assassination Of A High School President (2008) DV
2019-05-11 Assassination of a High School President (2008) D
2019-05-10 Assassination.Of.A.High.School.President.2008.DVDR
2019-05-10 Assassination.Of.A.High.School.President.2008.SWES
2019-05-10 Assassination.Of.A.High.School.President.2008.DVDR
2019-05-10 Assassination.Of.A.High.School.President.2008.DVDR
2019-05-10 Assassination.Of.A.High.School.President.2008.DVDR
2019-05-10 Assassination.of.a.High.School.President.2008.BRRi



  • nazixjw
    nazixjw • 与高中校长无关的事件
    翻译成《高中校长阴谋事件》绝对很误导。貌似剧情和老布所演的校长关系不大吧? 看见有米莎,看着那副阴丝瓜答且还有些扭曲的风味,还以为是英影呢,直到老布满口喊着America才开始怀疑。 老布演这么个角色...
  • 小马
    小马 • 看30遍回来写为什么我给满分的一部电影
    结尾男主联想推理部分: 1.由兰蒂斯说泰迪的外号,芬克开始联想到他在篮球赛期间即考卷被偷期间遇到学生会副主席和秘书长等一行人,前内衣模特的秘书长用铅笔戳穿他的笔记本。你会没事耳朵上别着一根铅笔吗,很显...
  • 南宫糖豆儿
    南宫糖豆儿 • 这电影,做偶像片太真,侦探片太弱。唯一的发现就是男一比任何一个女演员都美貌。
    是谁翻译的片名!!!! 根本不是讲校长布鲁斯的,是讲什么学生会主席的!!! 见鬼了,这电影,做偶像片太真,侦探片太弱。 我最爱的老布在里面出场只有3分钟!而且完全没起到任何作用! 唯一的发现就是男一比...
  • 我不懂永远
    我不懂永远 • 揭露真相之青春版
    记者的使命就是揭露真相。至于道德的评价留给读者。如果编造了假新闻,或者采访不严谨或上当受骗出了假新闻,那就要上黑名单了。以后别在新闻行业混。 美国记者的勇敢和对真相的执著,让生活在假新闻汪洋中的我....
  • 猩猩王ி
    猩猩王ி • 这很简单,但是却扣人心弦
    故事再简单不过,一开始我就猜到了故事的走向。没错,我就是那种人,故事一开始就不断的猜测情节。 故事的简单不重要,选角的出色为本片增色不少。老戏骨和俊俏脸庞的搭配老少咸宜。 一个超乎现实的高中。犯错会....



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