

米诺视频为您提供1994年由约翰·库萨克,黛安·韦斯特,詹妮弗·提莉,查兹·帕尔明特瑞,玛丽-露易丝·帕克,杰克·瓦尔登,乔·维特雷利,罗伯·莱纳,崔茜·尤玛,吉姆·布劳德本特,哈维·费斯特恩,丝泰西内尔金,玛尔戈扎塔·扎亚茨夫斯卡,Charles Cragin,Nina Sonja Peterson,埃迪·法可,黛比·玛扎,布莱恩·麦克康纳契,托尼·西里科,维克托·科利采奇奥,路易斯·艾波利托,吉恩·坎菲尔德,Peter Castellotti,约翰·文堤米利亚,丽莎·阿图罗,保罗·赫尔曼,Shannah Laumeister,安妮乔爱德华兹,Molly Regan,约翰·多马尼安,德欧·哈顿,托尼·戴劳,霍华德·厄斯金,贝奈·韦努塔,肯·罗伯茨,詹妮弗·范戴克,皮特·麦克罗比,约翰·霍伊特,Bruce Roberts,Patty Kathman,Rick Washburn主演,伍迪·艾伦导演的《子弹横飞百老汇》/原名《Bullets Over Broadway》/又名《子弹穿过百老汇 / 百老汇上空的子弹》喜剧 犯罪 电影在线观看完整版,《子弹横飞百老汇》百度云网盘资源以及《子弹横飞百老汇》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《子弹横飞百老汇》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:1920s Broadway. Playwright David Shayne considers himself an artist, and surrounds himself with like minded people, most struggling financially as they create art for themselves, not the masses. David, however, believes the failure of his first two plays was because he gave up creative control to other people who didn't understand the material. As such, he wants to direct his just completed third play, "God of Our Fathers", insider scuttlebutt being that it may very well make David the toast of Broadway. With David having no directing history, David's regular producer, Julian Marx, can't find any investors,... until a single investor who will finance the entire production comes onto the scene. He is Nick Valenti, a big time mobster, with the catch being that his dimwitted girlfriend, non-actress Olive Neal, get the lead role. A hesitant David and Julian, who are able to talk Nick into them giving Olive one of the two female supporting roles instead, go along with the scheme hoping that the three other actors hired will be able to make up for any deficiencies posed by Olive. What makes Olive's situation worse for David is that Nick has placed a bodyguard named Cheech - a typical thug who kills if need be - on Olive, he a constant presence at the theater during rehearsals. David is unaware or mindfully ignorant of issues concerning the other actors. Helen Sinclair, who has the lead, is a diva of an actress, who hasn't had a hit in years. Regardless, she is slyly manipulating David to make the role more glamorous befitting her real life persona than the frigid character he has written. Gossip is that Warner Purcell, the only male among the cast, has a roller coaster of a weight problem. Currently on a low, Warner tends to eat and eat and eat when when he gets stressed. And Eden Brent, a happy-go-lucky actress, has a constant companion in her pet chihuahua, Mr. Woofulls, whose presence is a constant thorn in Helen's side. With one problem after another during rehearsals, one event seems to have the potential to turn the production around on a permanent upswing,... that is if David goes along with it, he resisting if only because it would mean that his artistic vision was wrong. Regardless, there is still the potential for something to go violently wrong with Nick solely looking out for Olive's interest, and Cheech a constant presence, he seeing and hearing everything that is happening.





  • rosy
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